Salad Cutter Bowl

Want to save some time while making a salad? No more mess, no more cutting, no more chopping. Utilize the cutting and chopping time elsewhere while this Salad Maker makes your salad in just 60 seconds!

Boom Festival 2016

Like I said in my earlier blog I was never a Trance person, but even since I started loving it, it did change my perspective towards this music genre. But then again, I had never heard anything as Boom Festival. When my husband spelled it out, I was like what? He said there are going be at least 30,000 people …

Falling in love with Trance

I was never a trance person. To begin with, I have always liked pop, country, pop rock and related ones. For me, trance was just music genre and I had never ever heard it until I got married to my trance loving husband who introduced me to it. The songs that I liked listening to always had to have wordings. …

First Trimester Experience

I have always heard different opinions from every single woman who is become a mother of one, two or three kids. All their pregnancies have been a completely different experience. A little did I know when I came to know I was pregnant. Oops! We are pregnant! Although we being ready to enter the new phase of life, I still …

When your husband becomes your Master-Chef!

What more does a wife want where even a bad day from work becomes the best day when she gets home and sees her husband cooking her dinner? It just makes her day! Every woman loves to be pampered some or the other way by their husband or partner. Lucky are those who understand the situation and feel the need …

New World of Tobacco

Tobacco industry has been one of the booming industry that mints million and billions every year, be it in any currency! But, over the years this industry has gone through a lot of changes and the industry has overhauled. Also,  where the world is booming and growing with technology, here too it has played a significant role and has shaped it …

Here is a stunning Samsung S8 Design of your dreams

After the big failure with Note 7, the Samsung S8 is easily the most awaited Samsung phone ever. I have seen quite a lot of S8’s designs but this one stands out the most, the edge to edge screen, the curvy design & the massiveness of the phone just makes it stand out a lot. Here are some crazy images …

Pregnancy Phase

I am no doctor, no dietician,  but a to-be-mother. Unlike every other woman who has passed this phase or in this phase, I do understand how difficult must it be when someone advises you not to eat this, not to eat that, and to eat something which you can barely eat when you are going through drastic hormonal change. The days …