There are numerous way to make money online. If you are passionate about writing, if you think you can write well & also are looking to make money while you write, publishing articles online is a field you should explore. But writing alone is not just going to work.
There are various factors that play important role while writing an article.
1. Research
The primary & the most important for any writer is to research. There are various things, elements, key factors, etc. that is spoken about everyday. Hence, you can be required to write on any random topic such as lifestyle, finance, education, politics, health, & so on. But not to worry as you don’t need to know about everything at your fingertips. All you need to do is write an interesting and informative content. And for research you always have Google!
You need to remember this, once you Google stuff, it is only for your information and you cannot copy paste it. You have to be creative & write it in your own words and show your take on it.
2. Write Compelling
When the clients give you to write an article, they also give you number of characters/words to be used. Make sure to write quality and not quantity as to this will show your writing skills & also make your content compelling. Avoid using filler words to achieve the characters/word counts which will make your content not look fruitful. And if the content is not worth, it is less likely to have a long way in the web world turning it to paying readers.
3. Reach the audience
Google is a big market when it comes to web world. One of the main objectives of online article writing is to make your place in the world of Google as to which you can get high rating and also searched by other search engines. With help of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), use of suitable keywords/ keyword phrases will make it reachable to the suitable audience & gradually help in appearing on the first page of the search results.
4. Client Source
One of the most common among the beginners is the & many other related websites where the clients look for the article writers. On such websites you simply have to just go through the assignments and write about what you are comfortable about.
There are certain websites that require you to create profile and bid for the jobs, and then clients pick the bidder that suffice the most. There are also ranks given to the writers depending on the quality as well as quantity of their written content. So writing well will assure you to raise the bar and get to the better ranking as to earn more.
So, online writing gives you the freedom to work from your favorite place (Eg. Starbucks over a coffee), at your own time and help you learn & earn! Master the art of online writing and you can earn enough as to suffice yourself as well as your family!
Happy Writing!